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Most Common Air Conditioning and Heating Problems

Mar 28


Most common problems with cooling and heating can be solved with a bit of tweaking and cleaning. But, there are some that can turn into serious problems if they aren't addressed promptly. They are among the most prevalent problems with the heating system as well as air conditioning.If you see any of these issues then you'll likely require repair for your heating system.

  • Filters that are dirty

Filters that are dirty are among the biggest problems with air conditioners and heat pumps. The filter regulates airflow and allows the unit to operate efficiently. If the filter isn't regularly maintained and properly, it can cause a decrease in airflow and result in a decrease in performance. This can result in a loss in time and cost in the long term and a decrease in comfort.

Cleaning your filters isn't a requirement to employ professionals. Clean filters can be done yourself. If you own central air conditioning, your filter may require replacement. There is a for replacing filters. They need to be replaced every couple of months.


  • Air leakage

The problem is often not with the filter but it is with the window seals. These seals may wear down over time , allowing air in. This could impact the performance of the device because air can escape from the system and putting pressure on it. Again, ask the man in the shop which you bought the sealant material for advice.


  • Heat pump icing

In winter, it's not uncommon for heat pumps to be covered in white frost. If the entire unit is covered in frozen ice, it can cause problems. If the heat pump coils are blocked by ice it won't be able to transfer heat as effectively. This could damage the outdoor fan blades, coils, and ultimately the compressor.

This issue may need expert HVAC maintenance. To avoid further damage remove the ice from the pump's top. You should not pick at the surface of the ice using a sharp object.


  • Water Leaks

Condensate is created by efficient furnaces as well as air conditioners. This is the reason they have drain pipes that can remove the water. If drain pipes get blocked or cracked, water could leak from your furnace or air conditioner.

You can keep bleach clean and free of clogs by running bleach through drain lines. However, professional HVAC technicians caution that it is the drain lines are not the only cause of all water leaks. A heat exchanger drain plate or collector box issue can also cause water leaks. AC professionals can inspect your home and pinpoint the cause of the leak.


  • The condenser doesn't run

Sometimes, your system may not begin due to the condenser not running. It could be due to no power, high thermostat settings, or a malfunctioning component within the system. Before calling for professional assistance It is essential to examine blown fuse as well as trip circuit breakers. If it is a solution to solve the issue, lower the thermostat. If the issue persists then it could be the motor or compressor. If this happens you must seek professional assistance. Don't try one of the other easy solutions available online, as you could damage your system.


  • The unit doesn't cool/heat

If your heating or cooling is not functioning properly, it could be due to your unit's size being inadequate. You could also have an unclean thermostat or an evaporator that is over-heated. If your system isn't cooling, you might need to check it. Clean the fins and coils when they're dirty. This can lead to an obstruction in the condenser unit. Insufficient refrigerant, a damaged compressor or other issues could result in cooling or heating issues. Professional help is the best choice to solve both of these problems.



While you can repair the most common heating and cooling problems yourself, keeping up with the maintenance schedule is crucial. These problems can be detected and repaired quickly with routine maintenance.

For more information please visit:

Courtesy Automotive Service Center
210 S 8th St
Colorado Springs, CO 80905
(719) 632-2167

heating air conditioner repair

air conditioner and heating repair near me